This website explores what is commonly called the Independent Sacramental Movement (ISM). What is the Independent Sacramental Movement? The movement goes by many names. Sometimes it is called:
Independent Catholicism
Independent Orthodoxy
Independent Bishops Movement
Broadly speaking, there is no common ISM definition. Independent Sacramental Institutions include anything from ultra-conservative Latin mass churches to ultra-liberal churches. Imagine a conservative priest celebrating the Latin mass next to a female bishop wearing a PRIDE rainbow stole. This gives you an idea as to the diversity of the movement. Simply put, ISM is a movement that recognizes the importance of sacraments but celebrate these apart from “mainline” Catholic, Orthodox (Eastern or Oriental) or Anglican churches. There is often a relationship with a historic tradition such as Catholic, Orthodox (Eastern or Oriental), or Anglican but adherents to ISM dissociate themselves with one or more aspects of these traditions. While adherents may have differing theologies, all seem to agree on the efficacy of the sacraments and the need for holy orders. This website explores the fascinating world of ISM.
The website has two major purposes. It can serve as an introduction to those not familiar with the world of the Independent Sacramental Movement. It can also be a resource for those who hold Independent Sacramental Movement Beliefs.