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Called by God AND the Community

Independent Sacramental Vocations involve both God and the Community.

The Independent Sacramental Movement often focuses on apostolic succession.  A person is ordained a deacon, priest or bishop by a bishop or bishops.  While this is one theology of Holy Orders, there are alternative understandings of a vocation.  I think of a vocation as a two-fold call of both God and the community.


My own vocation story illustrates the two-fold aspect of vocation.  As I was in college, I attended mass at my home parish.  I was close with the pastor and he asked me one Sunday to consider being a Roman Catholic priest.  It was not something I had thought of in years.  I wanted to be a priest when I was younger but pushed the idea aside.  I was active in my parish as I was a lector, a church decorator, active in the Saint Vincent Society, and helped take care of an elderly relative.  I frequently attended liturgy and spent time praying and reading the Bible.  My pastor and the community saw a calling in me that I did not see.  Even though I was close with priests, I had never thought about following in their footsteps.  I initially dismissed the idea when my pastor asked me to consider it.  I had a girlfriend and thought I had my life planned out.  I was going to finish college and attend graduate school.  Something happened and my heart was on fire.  I started seriously considering a vocation to the priesthood and discerning.  I left for seminary the next year thinking that I would give it a chance to see if that is where God wanted me to be.


I share this story because a number of people discerning vocations in the Independent Sacramental Movement speak about how they feel as if God is calling them to the priesthood.  My question is: what about the community?  The ordained priesthood exists not for yet another individual to be indelibly marked, but for ministry to others.  How will your ordination build up the Body of Christ on earth?  God can provide you with the gifts and charisms you need but the calling must be recognized by others.  The early church elected their clergy because the community tested them and found them worthy.  You are called not only by God but also by the jurisdiction that will ordain you.  The call to Holy Orders comes from both God and the community as ordination is directed towards the salvation of others.

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